Is Google Suppressing Independents
Google has been at the forefront of the internet search. Proclaiming a massive amount of searches that the majority of people who use the internet will use Google to conduct searches and most of anything else. Bringing the far reaches of the world to just about everyone on the planet who has internet access. Even becoming a noun in which you would direct people to just "Google" it when wanting to find out information.
When looking through several of my feeds, I came across a rather depressing article from Retro Dodo. I knew that through the other Google avenues, smaller or independent creators and publishers were feeling the effects in which the links to their content and sites were being suppressed within the search algorithm.
Google Is Killing Retro Dodo & Other Independent Sites
It honestly breaks my heart to write this article, but I want to be as transparent as possible with our readers because you are the ones that have quite literally kept our lights on over the past five years, and you deserve to know the truth about what’s happening behind the scenes, so here it is. Retro Dodo is on the brink of collapse… because of Google.
Google Is Killing Retro Dodo & Other Independent Sites
This put in into what could we do to find an alternative or even move to another search. Is there even an alternative to Google? They have successfully inserted themselves into being the defacto internet search in which any other up-and-coming would not be able to break into the scene. The fact is that for Retro Dodo, myself, and others to continue to provide news and articles that provide correct and relatable content for our audiences to succeed, we have to work extremely hard to have the chance to be seen.